Rare Earth (Color Code: Grey/Gray)
Rare-earth tungsten electrodes (AWS classification EWG) contain unspecified additives of rare-earth oxides or hybrid combinations of different oxides, but manufacturers are required to identify each additive and its percentage on the package. Depending on the additives, desired results can include a stable arc in both AC and DC processes, greater longevity than thoriated tungsten, the ability to use a smaller-diameter electrode for the same job, use of a higher current for a similar-sized electrode, and less tungsten spitting.
2% CERIATED (GREY) (Formerly Orange) EWCe-2/WC20
Principal Oxide: 1.8–2.2% Cerium Oxide
Non-Radioactive. Best for use in alternating current (a/c) or direct current (d/c) applications using inverter or transformer based constant current power sources. Good for low-alloyed steels, non corroding steels, aluminum alloys, magnesium alloys, titanium alloys, nickel alloys, copper alloys. Good ignition and re-ignition properties, long service life, excellent arc stability. Low erosion rate, best at low amperage range, no spitting, good d/c arc starts and stability.