BOC ANME Cutting Nozzle

Oxy/Acetylene cutting tips used for general purpose cutting.

Available tip sizes: 1/32″ , 3/64″ , 1/16″ , 5/64″ , 3/32″ , 1/8″.

For cutting guide and data please see table below:

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BOC ANME Cutting Nozzle – for Oxy/Acetylene metal cutting processes. Using high quality copper and brass for higher durability and longer cutting lifespan, the materials provide good heat dissipation and cutting performance.

The nozzles are machined precisely to provide an accurate fit. The orifice is slightly recessed to cut down on gas turbulence and slag build-up. Additionally, the nozzle design provides optimal gas mixing for instant pre-heating.

The smooth nozzle surface reflects heat and reduces accumulation of spatter.

BOC ANME Cutting Nozzle – Quality you can trust!

For LPG cutting nozzles, check out BOC PNME Cutting Nozzle
For more information on oxy/fuel cutting, see article.

Additional information


1/32", 3/64", 1/16", 5/64", 3/32", 1/8"